Friday, February 13, 2015

Dear Life....

Dear life...
How are you today? I know it has been years since the last time we talk. I've been so busy lately. 3 children and a husband took over my hours. Have no time at all for myself.

My dear life...
There's so many burden I've carried. You know it well. I just don't understand, why you give me this??? Was there something bad that I've done so I deserve this???

You know life, I've talked to God about it. I'm just a human and of course I did mistakes. Maybe in the past I hurt people. But who doesn't right? And maybe they hate me (I can't guess people's heart). And maybe I didn't use my time wisely. Did anything good and help the needy people for example.

But I already ask God's forgiveness. I tried to live my life well. I tried to make my life better than before. But why do you still giving me this???

It hurts me badly. My heart suddenly broken into pieces. It affects the whole me. It really changes everything.

I turn into something bad. I become someone I didn't know. I really mad. And I can't control it. Even I blown it out, it didn't help at all. I still feel hurt inside.

Please life, tell me... what should I do now??

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